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IELTS Speaking Job/Work: Questions & Example Answers

Trong đề thi IELTS Speaking, topic Job Work (công việc) là một chủ đề phổ biến và đặc biệt quen thuộc với các thí sinh ở độ tuổi đi làm. Vì vậy, việc trang bị cho mình vốn từ phong phú và cấu trúc câu đa dạng là điều cần thiết để đạt được sự trau chuốt và toàn diện trong câu trả lời của thí sinh. Trong bài viết này, DOL đã chuẩn bị những câu hỏi chủ đề công việc cùng các bài mẫu hoàn thiện giúp bạn ghi điểm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Topic Job Work.

IELTS Speaking Job/Work

Speaking Part 1 topic Job/Work

Trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 1, giám khảo sẽ đưa ra những câu hỏi thường thức cuộc sống, yêu cầu bạn trả lời ngắn gọn trong 1 - 2 câu. Vậy với chủ đề công việc, bạn có thể bắt gặp những câu hỏi nào?

Gợi ý một số câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Job Work.

  1. What work do you do?

  2. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?

  3. Do you like your job?

  4. What requirements did you need to meet to get your current job?

  5. Do you have any plans for your work in the next five years?

  6. What do you think is the most important aspect of this job?

  7. Do you want to change to another job?

  8. What technology do you use at work?

  9. Who helps you the most? And how?

  10. Do you work or study?

  11. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

  12. What is your position at work?

  13. What do you dislike about your job?

  14. How do you spend your work day?

  15. Is it better to work in the morning or in the afternoon?

  16. What do you do to improve your productivity?

  17. Is that a popular job in your country?

  18. Is there anything special about the job?

  19. Would you recommend your current job to other people?

  20. Where do you want to see yourself in 10 years?

Cùng DOL English tìm hiểu thêm về những mẫu câu ghi điểm trong phần 1 của bài thi IELTS Speaking nhé!

1 What do you do?

Answer: I work as a full-time English tutor! I assist adults with conversational English together with language certifications such as IELTS, TOEIC, TOELF and so on.


  • Tutor (n): gia sư

  • Assist (v): hỗ trợ

  • Certification (n): chứng chỉ

  • And so on: vân vân

2 Why did you choose this type of work?

Answer: I find it incredibly rewarding to help people unlock the potential of language. English can be a challenging language, but it can also be a gateway to new cultures, ideas, and opportunities. I'm always learning and growing alongside my students, which keeps things exciting.


  • Rewarding (adj): bổ ích

  • Potential (n): tiềm năng

  • Gateway (n): cửa ngõ

  • Challenging (adj): đầy thử thách

3 Do you like your job?

Answer: Absolutely! It's a privilege to witness the "aha" moments when a student grasps a new concept or overcomes a language barrier. The variety in my work keeps me engaged, and I'm constantly learning new information and perspectives.


  • Privilege (n): vinh dự

  • Aha moment (n): khoảnh khắc vỡ lẽ

  • Grasp (v): nắm bắt

  • Language barrier (n): rào cản ngôn ngữ

  • Engaged (adj): hứng thú

4 What requirements did you need to meet to get your current job?

Answer: Just like every other teacher, I was required to have a TESOL certificate, which stands for Teaching English as a second language. It is a must in order to be qualified as an English teacher here in Vietnam.


  • Certification (n): chứng chỉ

  • must (n): điều bắt buộc

  • Qualify (v): đủ điều kiện

5 Do you have any plans for your work in the next five years?

Answer: In the next five years, I aim to become even more adept at training students to become natural English users. I also want to explore new ways to personalize the learning experience for each user.


  • Adept (adj): giỏi

  • Personalize (v): cá nhân hóa

6 What do you think is the most important aspect of this job?

Answer: In my opinion, the most important aspect of this job is building rapport with my students. When they feel comfortable and respected, they're more likely to take risks, ask questions, and truly engage with the learning process.


  • Rapport (phr): mối quan hệ

  • Risk (n.) thử thách, rủi ro

  • Engage (v): tham gia một cách hứng thú

7 Do you want to change to another job?

Answer: Not at all! This field is constantly evolving, and there's always something new to learn. I find it incredibly stimulating to be at the forefront of language teaching.


  • Evolving (adj): đang phát triển

  • Stimulating (adj): kích thích

  • Forefront (n): tiền tuyến

8 What technology do you use at work?

Answer: Mostly I use Google Classroom and Google Doc to assign homework and give feedback, because students can be notified instantly via email. On the side, I rely on a scanner to grade multiple choice tests.


  • Assign (v): giao bài, giao việc

  • Notify (v): thông báo

  • Multiple-choice (adj): trắc nghiệm

9 Who helps you the most? And how?

Answer: My peers from university help me the most. Many of them are also English teachers or academic executives at different English centers in Ho Chi Minh City. They constantly provide me with new information and refine my abilities to ensure I deliver the best possible learning experience.


  • peer (n.): bạn đồng trang lứa

  • academic (adj.): thuộc về học thuật

  • executive (n.): người điều hành, quản lý

  • refine (v.): hoàn thiện

  • ensure (v.): đảm bảo

10 Do you work or study?

Answer: I’m currently working as an English teacher at a language center in Ho Chi Minh city. Back in university, I used to work part-time as an English tutor. I’ve always had a passion for teaching and I’ve been in this profession for more than 5 years now.


  • currently (adv.): hiện tại

  • tutor (n.): gia sư

  • have a passion for (n.): có đam mê cho

  • profession (n.): nghề

11 Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

Answer: As much as I enjoy teaching, if I had the chance, I would love to work as a freelance writer. Without having to come to class every day, I would spend time exploring different topics and expressing my creativity through writing.


  • freelance (adj.): hành nghề tự do

  • writer (n.): nhà văn

  • explore (v.): khám phá

  • creativity (n.): sự sáng tạo

12 What is your position at work?

Answer: You could call me an educator, but I prefer the term ‘English teacher’. My primary responsibility is to guide students on their English language learning journey.


  • term (n) - từ

  • primary (adj) - chính

  • guide (v) - hướng dẫn

13 What do you dislike about your job?

Answer: There's not much, but the most challenging aspect can be the occasional student who struggles to grasp a concept. Seeing someone frustrated can be tough, but it also motivates me to find new and creative ways to explain things.


  • Aspect (n): khía cạnh

  • Grasp (v): nắm bắt

  • Motivates (v): thúc đẩy

14 How do you spend your work day?

Answer: On a typical day, I go to class and teach in the morning and afternoon. I might explain grammar rules, practice conversation skills, or guide them through reading comprehension exercises. In between, there’s a lunch break when I spend time chatting with my colleagues or grade assignments.


  • Typical (adj): thông thường

  • Comprehension (n): sự hiểu

  • Assignment (n): bài tập

15 Is it better to work in the morning or in the afternoon?

Answer: That depends on the students! Some mornings are filled with energetic beginners, while afternoons might be dedicated to focused writing workshops. The key is to be flexible and adapt my teaching style to the time of day.


  • Workshop (n): hội thảo

  • Flexible (adj): linh hoạt

16 What do you do to improve your productivity?

Answer: Staying up-to-date on the latest teaching methods is crucial. I also find it helpful to collaborate with other teachers and share best practices. Ultimately, the more resources I have, the better I can cater to my students' individual needs.


  • Up-to-date (adj): cập nhật

  • Collaborate (v): hợp tác

  • Practice (n): phương pháp

  • Cater to (phr): đáp ứng

17 Is that a popular job in your country?

Answer: English teachers are always in demand, especially with the growing importance of global communication. It's a truly rewarding career path for anyone passionate about language and helping others learn.


  • demand (n): nhu cầu

  • rewarding (adj): đáng giá

  • career path (n): con đường nghề nghiệp

18 Is there anything special about the job?

Answer: The most special thing is witnessing students overcome their initial anxiety and gain confidence in using English. Opening doors to new cultures and opportunities through language is a truly enriching experience for both me and my students.


  • Overcome (v): vượt qua

  • Anxiety (n): lo lắng

  • Enriching (adj): phong phú

19 Would you recommend your current job to other people?

Answer: Absolutely! If you enjoy interacting with people from diverse backgrounds and have a passion for language, then English teaching can be incredibly fulfilling. It's a challenging but rewarding career that allows you to make a real difference in people's lives.


  • Interact (v): tương tác

  • Diverse (adj): đa dạng

  • Fulfilling (adj): thỏa mãn

20 Where do you want to see yourself in 10 years?

Answer: I hope to be at the forefront of English language education. In 10 years, I aim to be even more adept at personalizing the learning experience for each student. Imagine using AI to create interactive lessons that cater to their individual strengths and weaknesses. That would be truly groundbreaking!


  • Forefront (n): tiền tuyến

  • Adept (adj): giỏi

  • Cater to (phr): đáp ứng

  • Groundbreaking (adj): đột phá

Speaking Part 2 topic Job/Work

Với chủ đề Job Work trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2, bạn có thể bắt gặp câu hỏi trình bày về một công việc bạn không thích hoặc công việc bạn muốn làm trong tương lai.

Gợi ý một số câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic Job Work

  1. Describe a job that you would not like to do

  2. Describe a job you’d like to do in the future

Bạn đã trang bị đủ vốn từ và mẫu câu để trình bày lưu loát trong vòng 2 phút chưa? Hãy tham khảo những ví dụ dưới đây của DOL và đừng quên bám sát câu hỏi gợi ý nhé!

1 Describe a job that you would not like to do.


You should say:

  • What the job is

  • How you know about this job

  • How easy or difficult the job is

  • And explain why you would not like to do this job.


The job I wouldn't be particularly suited for is that of a telemarketer. I've had a few experiences receiving those unsolicited sales calls, and it always seems like a tough job. It can't be easy calling people who might not be interested in the product, and dealing with potential rejection all day.

On top of that, the work often involves sticking to a script and making a high volume of calls. Repeating the same sales pitch day in and day out can lead to monotony and decrease job satisfaction. While some people might thrive in that kind of structured environment, I personally value creativity and variety in my work.

More importantly, I wouldn't enjoy the feeling of potentially intruding on people's time. I believe communication should be a two-way street, and telemarketing often feels one-sided.


  • Telemarketer (n): người bán hàng qua điện thoại

  • Unsolicited (adj): không được yêu cầu, không được mong muốn

  • Tough (adj): khó khăn

  • Rejection (n): sự từ chối

  • Day in and day out (idiom): ngày qua ngày

  • Monotony (n): sự đơn điệu

  • Job satisfaction (noun phrase): sự hài lòng trong công việc

  • Thrive (v): phát triển mạnh

  • Creativity (n): sự sáng tạo

  • Variety (n): sự đa dạng

  • Intrude (v): xâm phạm

  • Two-way street (phr): có qua có lại

  • One-sided (adj): một phía

2 Describe a job you’d like to do in the future.


You should say:

  • What the job is

  • How you know about it

  • What you have done to prepare for it

  • and explain why you would like to do this job


If I could choose any career path, I'd aspire to become a firefighter. My fascination with firefighting began in childhood, fueled by those thrilling fire engine documentaries. The idea of rushing into danger to help others in their hour of need has always resonated deeply with me.

In preparation, I've been focusing on physical fitness. Firefighting requires immense strength and stamina to navigate blazing buildings and rescue people. I've also enrolled in a first-aid course to gain essential medical knowledge that could be crucial in emergency situations.

There are two main reasons why firefighting appeals to me so much. Firstly, it's a profession built on courage and selflessness. Firefighters put their lives on the line to protect others, and that bravery is truly inspiring. Secondly, the work is incredibly dynamic. No two fire emergencies are exactly alike, and the constant challenge of adapting to different situations keeps the job exciting.


  • Aspire (v): Mơ ước

  • Fascination (n): Sự mê hoặc

  • Documentary (n): Phim tài liệu

  • Hour of need (phrase): Những lúc cần giúp đỡ

  • Resonate (v): Gợi nhớ

  • Fitness (n): Sức khỏe

  • Stamina (n): Sức bền

  • Navigate (v): Điều hướng

  • First-aid Course (n): Khóa học sơ cứu

  • Courage (n): Can đảm

  • Selflessness (n): Quên mình

  • Put something on the Line (phrase): Có nguy cơ mất đi cái gì

  • Dynamic (adj): Năng động

Speaking Part 3 topic Job/Work

Trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3, giám khảo có thể sẽ đưa ra những trình bày những vấn đề vĩ mô hơn về chủ đề công việc.

Một số câu hỏi topic Job Work IELTS Speaking Part 3.

  1. What kind of jobs do young people like to do?

  2. Do young people prefer to choose an interesting job or a job with a high salary?

  3. Do you think it is easier to get a job now than in the past?

  4. Is it important to be successful in a job?

  5. Do you think Al will take over many jobs?

  6. Can Al improve people's lives? If so, how?

  7. Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?

  8. Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than to be employed by a company. What do you think?

  9. What do you think about the trend of continually switching jobs among young people these days?

  10. Which do you think is more important at work, colleagues or work itself?

  11. Is there some other kind of work you’d rather do?

  12. What do most people consider when finding/ accepting a job?

  13. What is more important? Job satisfaction or a high salary?

  14. What kinds of jobs do people in your country prefer?

  15. Do you think robots will take over humans’ jobs in the future?

  16. If there are a limited number of jobs available, who should be given priority, young people or older people with more experience?

  17. What are the disadvantages of working for someone else?

  18. What are the advantages of having your own business rather than working for someone else?

Nếu bạn gặp khó khăn trả lời những câu hỏi trên, hãy tham khảo bài mẫu của DOL nhé.

1 What kind of jobs do young people like to do?

Answer: Young people often lean towards jobs that offer flexibility and room for personal growth. One popular choice is the tech industry, where they can immerse themselves in innovative projects and stay ahead of the curve. This field provides dynamic work environments and opportunities for collaboration, which appeal to those seeking excitement and challenge.


  • Flexibility (n): Tính linh hoạt

  • Immerse (v): Đắm chìm

  • Innovative (adj): Sáng tạo

  • Dynamic (adj): Linh hoạt, năng động

  • Collaboration (n): Sự hợp tác

2 Do young people prefer to choose an interesting job or a job with a high salary?

Answer: Yes, young people often prioritize choosing an interesting job over one with a high salary. While a high salary is important for financial stability, an interesting job provides fulfillment and a sense of purpose. Young individuals value opportunities for personal growth and creativity in their careers. An interesting job can offer such aspects, even if it means that the young have to sacrifice some financial benefits in the short term.


  • prioritize (verb): ưu tiên

  • financial (adj): tài chính

  • stability (n): ổn định tài chính

  • fulfillment (n): sự thỏa mãn

  • aspect (noun): khía cạnh

  • sacrifice (verb): hy sinh

3 Do you think it is easier to get a job now than in the past?

Answer: Yes, I believe it is easier to get a job now than in the past. Thanks to advancements in technology and the rise of online job portals, job seekers have access to a wider range of job opportunities. On virtual platforms such as LinkedIn or Upwork, they can upload their CV and apply for positions more conveniently. Additionally, remote work options have become more prevalent, allowing individuals to work from anywhere from the comfort of their home.


  • advancement (n): tiến bộ

  • portal (n): cổng thông tin

  • prevalent (adj): phổ biến

  • conveniently (adv): tiện lợi

  • comfort (n): sự thoải mái

4 Is it important to be successful in a job?

Answer: Absolutely, success in a job is crucial as it brings a sense of achievement and satisfaction. It opens doors to new opportunities for career advancement and personal growth. Moreover, achieving success in a job often translates to financial stability, which is vital for a comfortable lifestyle. Ultimately, success in a job contributes to one's overall happiness and well-being.


  • Crucial (adj): Quan trọng

  • Achievement (n): Thành tựu

  • Satisfaction (n): Sự hài lòng

  • Advancement (n): Sự thăng tiến

5 Do you think Al will take over many jobs?

Answer: Yes, I believe AI will take over many jobs in the future, particularly those that involve repetitive tasks or tasks that are easily automated. The first example is seen in Customer Service. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are handling customer inquiries and support, gradually replacing human assistants. As AI technology continues to advance, it will become more capable of performing various tasks currently done by humans.


  • automated (adjective): tự động hóa

  • chatbot (noun): robot trò chuyện

  • virtual (noun): ảo

  • inquiry (noun): thắc mắc

  • gradually (adverb): dần dần

  • advance (verb): tiến bộ

6 What do you think about the trend of continually switching jobs among young people these days?

Answer: It's all about finding fresh challenges and better opportunities to grow as a person. The job market is moving fast these days, so young people want to explore different career paths and learn new skills. They're looking for jobs they actually align with their interests and values, not just something to pay the bills. In the past, people might have frowned upon jumping from job to job, but now it's seen as a way to find a career that's truly fulfilling.


  • job market (noun): thị trường lao động

  • align (verb): khớp với, tương thích

  • frown upon (verb): không đồng tình, coi thường

  • fulfilling (adjective): thỏa mãn

7 Can Al improve people's lives? If so, how?

Answer: Absolutely, AI has the potential to revolutionize people's lives in many ways. For one thing, AI can be used to tackle complex problems that we haven't been able to solve before. Imagine AI-powered systems that can analyze vast amounts of medical data to develop personalized treatments for diseases, or that can help to predict and mitigate natural disasters. On another hand, AI can also free us up from mundane tasks. For example, AI-powered chatbots can handle customer service inquiries, allowing human workers to focus on more creative and fulfilling endeavors.


  • Revolutionize (v): cách mạng hóa

  • Tackle (v): giải quyết

  • Complex (adj): phức tạp

  • Predict (v): dự đoán

  • Mitigate (v): giảm nhẹ

  • Mundane (adj): tẻ nhạt

  • Fulfilling (adj): thỏa mãn

8 Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?

Answer: In Vietnam, traditionally, jobs that involve giving back to society are highly respected. This includes professions like doctors, teachers, and firefighters who are seen as making a real difference in people's lives. There's a saying here, "When you eat the fruit, remember the one who planted the tree." It emphasizes the importance of respecting those who contribute to the well-being of others. Engineers and lawyers are also well-regarded due to the high level of education and expertise required.


  • Give back to society (phr): cống hiến cho xã hội

  • Emphasize (v): nhấn mạnh

  • Well-regarded (adj) : được xem trọng

  • Expertise (n): Chuyên môn

9 Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than to be employed by a company. What do you think?

Answer: As for working for yourself versus being employed, there are definitely pros and cons to both. Being your own boss offers a lot of flexibility and the freedom to pursue your own ideas. However, it also comes with a double-edged sword of greater responsibility and financial risk. There's no guaranteed paycheck, and you need to be a real self-starter to make it work. On the other hand, working for a company can provide stability, clear career paths, and benefits like healthcare. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your personality and priorities.


  • Pros and cons: mặt lợi và hại

  • Flexibility (n): sự linh hoạt

  • Double-edged sword (n): con dao hai lưỡi

  • Self-starter (n): người tự lập

10 Which do you think is more important at work, colleagues or work itself?

Answer: In my opinion, finding a healthy balance between great colleagues and interesting work is ideal. Having supportive and friendly coworkers can make even a challenging job more enjoyable. They can be a source of camaraderie and motivation, especially when facing deadlines or difficult tasks. Like the saying goes, "It's not what you do, it's who you do it with" On the other hand, even the most fantastic colleagues won't make up for a job you find dull or unfulfilling. Ideally, you want work that stimulates you and allows you to learn and grow.


  • Camaraderie (n): tình đồng đội

  • Motivation (n): động lực

  • Stimulate (v): kích thích

11 Is there some other kind of work you’d rather do?

Answer: If I could be a freelance writer, that would be interesting. For instance, I always spark new ideas and it would help me tremendously with creative writing, like producing poems or novels. On the other hand, I could take part in writing communities where we support each other to overcome writer’s block. In this day and age of technology, my dream might sound crazy as short content is taking over, but I love writing and I believe I could do a great job at it.


  • spark (v): gợi lên

  • tremendously (adv): một cách đáng kể

  • overcome (v): vượt qua

  • block (n): cạn ý tưởng

12 What do most people consider when finding/ accepting a job?

Answer: When looking for a job in Ho Chi Minh City, most young adults weigh a few key factors. Financial security is a major concern, especially as the cost of living rises. People want a job that offers a competitive salary and benefits like health insurance. Finding a job with a good work-life balance is also important. Working long hours is common here, but there's a growing desire for jobs that allow time for personal lives. Finally, many young people also value meaningful work. They want a job they find interesting and that allows them to feel like they are contributing to something bigger than themselves.


  • Competitive (adj): cạnh tranh

  • Salary (n): mức lương

  • Benefit (n): quyền lợi

  • Work-life balance (n): sự cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống

  • Meaningful (adj): có ý nghĩa

13 What is more important? Job satisfaction or a high salary?

Answer: Job satisfaction or a high salary? This is a tough one! Finding the ideal balance between the two is what most people in Ho Chi Minh City strive for. While a competitive salary is definitely important, especially with the rising cost of living, it's not the only factor. Many young people here are looking for work that they find fulfilling and interesting. They want a job that allows them to grow and develop their skills, not just a paycheck. Nobody gets rich just from their salary. It is important that we find work that offers more than just financial security.


  • Satisfaction (n): sự thỏa mãn

  • Salary (n): lương

  • Competitive (adj): mức lương cạnh tranh

  • Fulfilling (adj): thỏa mãn

14 What kinds of jobs do people in your country prefer?

Answer: There's a shift towards jobs that offer both a sense of purpose and financial security. Tech jobs are booming here, and many young adults are interested in fields like software development and data science. However, traditional professions like medicine, teaching, and engineering are still highly respected, especially because they contribute to society in a tangible way. Ultimately, the most popular jobs are those that offer a healthy blend of good salary, meaningful work, and opportunities for growth.


  • Shift (n): sự chuyển đổi

  • Tech(n): công nghệ (viết tắt cho technology)

  • Boom (v): nở rộ

  • Tangible (adj): hữu hình, xác thực

  • Blend (n): sự pha trộn

15 Do you think robots will take over humans’ jobs in the future?

Answer: The rise of automation is definitely a concern, but I don't think robots will completely take over human jobs. While AI is getting more sophisticated, many jobs require creativity, social skills, and critical thinking, which are still uniquely human strengths. In fact, robots might create more jobs than they take away. New positions will be needed to design, maintain, and work alongside these machines. The key will be to adapt and develop new skillsets to stay relevant in the changing job market.


  • Creativity (n): sự sáng tạo

  • Critical thinking (n): tư duy phản biện

  • Adapt (v): thích nghi

16 If there are a limited number of jobs available, who should be given priority, young people or older people with more experience?

Answer: As for job scarcity, this is a complex issue. Young people need a chance to build their careers and financial security. However, older workers also bring valuable experience and expertise to the table. Ideally, the job market should find a way to integrate both groups. Perhaps mentorship programs could be implemented, where experienced workers can share their knowledge with younger generations.


  • Scarcity (n): sự khan hiếm

  • Integrate (v): hội nhập

  • Mentorship (n): cố vấn

17 What are the disadvantages of working for someone else?

Answer: There are definitely some downsides to working a traditional job. One major drawback is a lack of control. You don't get to make the big decisions about the company's direction or how your work is done. This can be frustrating, especially if you have great ideas that you can't implement. Another disadvantage is the limited income potential. Your salary is fixed by your employer, and there's no opportunity to share in the company's profits.


  • Downside (n) mặt trái

  • Drawback (n) hạn chế

  • Implement(n): áp dụng

  • Limited (adj): hạn chế

  • Potential (n): khả năng

18 What are the advantages of having your own business rather than working for someone else?

Answer: Starting your own business can be very rewarding. You have the freedom to be your own boss and make your own decisions. There's also the potential for unlimited income. If your business is successful, the sky's the limit on how much you can earn. However, it's important to remember that running your own business also comes with a lot of risk and hard work. There's no guaranteed paycheck, and you'll likely need to put in long hours to get your business off the ground.


  • Rewarding (adj) thỏa mãn

  • Unlimited (adj):không giới hạn

  • The sky’s the limit (idiom) không có giới hạn

  • Risk (n): rủi ro

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